Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs : A Tribute

6:30AM, Friend of mine sents a message stating the shocking news of the death of one of the greatest innovators of all time. At just the age of 56, Steve Jobs had almost 1/3rd of the world knowing him making him one of the most renowned personalities in recent times. There were rumors in the past of him passing away and I regreted this news as well. Turned on the TV to find out if the news was true. A legend in his own way, Innovation and Easy going in life was his key USP’s.

From “Steve Jobs is an American Entrepreneur…” to “Steve Jobs was an American Entrepreneur…” in Wikipedia was the next thing I checked out to find out if the news was true. Giving away his CEO post to Tim Cook in August I guess he already knew that his time was coming to an end. Exactly a day before his death the latest iPhone which is the iPhone 4S was launched {Probably the S stands for Steve – iPhone 4 Steve} . I have always had these 2 videos of Steve, one the very famous Stanford Graduation Ceremony speech in 2005 and the All things Digital Conference one on one talk with Bill Gates which was very hilarious at the same time very informative.

Steve had his own share of Bad Phase in his life and this was during 1984 when there was an Industry wide sales slump and following an internal power struggle and an announcement of significant layoffs because of the disappointing sales at that time, Jobs was relieved of his duties and he himself claimed that he got fired from Apple. After a while Jobs started all over again and came back to Apple Inc. He realized he’s been living in one of the most creative period of his life and that Innovation was the key if he wanted the company to grow. From iMacs to iPads he had a big hand in its development.

Not many know that Steve Jobs as CEO was earning just $1 as his salary, Others were all shares and in 2010 Forbes estimated his net wealth at $8.3 Billion. Jobs always stressed on the importance of team work and his model for business believe it or not were ‘The Beatles” as they kept each others negative tendencies in check; and they balanced each other. The totel of the band was greater than the sum of the parts. His importance in todays world can be witnessed by the kinds of Tribute he’s been receiving from all walks of life from Obama to Bill Gates.

Apple Inc Paid Tribute their all time Hero Steve Jobs by having his Photo in the home page of And said “Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.”

Steve’s all time Rival and a great friend Bill Gates tweeted, “I’m truly saddened to learn of Steve Job’s death. The world rarely sees someone who had the profound impact Steve has had, the effects of which will be felt for many generations to come, For those of us lucky enough to get to work with him, it’s been an insanely great honor. I will miss Steve immensely”

Google’s CEO Larry Page said, : He was a great man with incredible achievements and amazing brilliance. Google also posted a subtle tribute below its main search bar which said “Steve Jobs, 1955-2011”

President of the US where Apple Inc was born, Barack Obama said: "There may be no greater tribute to Steve’s success than fact that much of world learned of his passing on a device he invented."

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Twitter Tips & How to decode Twitter Psychos?

As an avid Twitter user i have come across lots of different people in this platform over the last 2 years. Now before getting into how you decode the Twitter Psychos let me give you a few Twitter Etiquette which you need to follow for a peaceful 'twittering' career. They are as follows;

-> No ASL Business in Twitter, People who really want this and is obsessed with this can go to this one site called (:P)

-> Since its a 140 character business, Everything needs to be short with a Hash tag (#) to highlight the topic.

-> If its a late reply that you are making to a tweet, do it with a '#' referencing to what you are replying to, He/She may not recollect what that reply was for. Twitter has brought in a feature wherein you can know what that reply was for but this happens only in the Web and a few application, many do not have this feature.

-> Dont Follow people un-necessarily. If only a few people follow you and you follow a thousand people or more, many would assume you are a spammer. An in Twitter spammers are considered SATANS. :P

-> Humour is accepted but not tweets like "Just felt the Earthquake, it was damn fun" , Atleast a person reading the tweet has commen sense and knows that you were scared to death and just trying to show off giving a humour quotient to it.

-> Also, you dont you occasionally need to use the rest room? Please dont take your phone in there. There have been quite a lot in my timeline who has an update for everything from the 1st ball of a cricket match till the end of a match or if Shakti Kapoor or whoever makes an entry or an exit in Big Boss 5 or Big boss 25. You are literally getting some of your followers bored with one single topic and dangers/chances of you being blocked/unfollowd is very likely

-> Twitter is becoming a very common platform and chances are likely that your Boss/Manager/Parents/Relatives are tracking your tweets. You dont want an additional sheet of your tweets (Tweets containing offensive words against your Office/Workplace/Manager) along with your appraisal form My recommendation is to keep your account PRIVATE and enjoy cribbing, but make sure the people who request to follow you are not the people who are trying to hide from.

-> Stay within your limits, something what you can learn from the basic thing in twitter, the 140 character limit. That being said do not have more than 2 tweets with "...Contd" , It just doesnt go with the essence of twitter.

-> Whenever you send a DM (Direct Message) make sure you inform the recipient as well but mentioning him/her. Most twitter users are not used to checking their messages and its only the Mention tab that they look into (Unless they are using an external app like Tweet-Deck)

Now that you have known the Do's and Dont's (Well, according to me and my knowledge) lets see how do you deal with a few different people in Twitter, A friend of mine @Kofykat (Twitter Handle) wrote this post on her latest post titled "Twitter behaviour Decoded" where after reading thought i would write something on how to handle these people.

-> The Spammer : Just leave them alone, Dont ever reply to their tweets and block them as soon as you identify they are of this species.

-> The Orkutiyan : Basically this class of people are just kids or wannabe's who have recently got into facebook and have been wanting to increase their standard in their part of the world and join the Twitter world, Dont even think of following these class of people. Let them mention and RT and follow you, Just leave them un-noticed.

-> The Inspirationals : These quote centric people are just loosers and are just a mere Cut & Copy via Google so this are not Mahatma Gandhi's or a Martin Luther King, so these people dont make any sense either.

-> The RT-ers : People who increase their twitter count by counting on others, basically just RT-ing is their forte. Just mere loosers who have no thought of their own and depend on others, Request them now and then for stop RT-ing on a frequent basis and if that doesnt work out, BLOCK/UNFOLLOW them.

-> The Expert :These are ideally the class of people you would want to follow but then their extreme expert opinions can get you crazy, things like iPhone or Android kind of topics, being a layman you would be wondering what language is this he/she is speaking, There is no wrong following them very informative so i wouldnt quite club them into the Psycho category.

-> The Stars : Pure Bakhwas, First and foremost advise would not be following them. Basically there are wanting for more fans in order to make their promotions of movies and other endorsements easier and we are falling trap to it. I understand and know that Ra One is going to release via TV and i dont want @iamsrk to keep tweeting about it day and night.

-> The Foul language Tweeter : A complete NO NO for me, i wouldnt want to follow someone who is just tweeting all non sense and fill my time line with obscene tweets, people might think using those language makes them sound cool and all that but DUDE, that era has ended.

I dont know if there has offended anyone here or not but these were just my views and done in discussion with @Kofykat ( Blog : )

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Indian Grand Prix is Here!!

Buddh International Circuit, It may not be very familiar to many but in the near future it will be the talk of the town, not that it isnt at present as its just familiar with just the Motor sport enthusiasts. This circuit will host the 1st International Grand Prix on Indian soil, YES, you heard that right. India may not have the best drivers in the world indeed will host the most dangerous sport. Roaring at 307 km/hr it will indeed be a sight to watch for all the people who would have wanted to ride their machines at their machines provided the COPs a.k.a Mamu allows us to in the Indian Roads. This is indeed a stepping stone for all motor sport enthusiasts and youngsters looking to take this sport as their career in future.

28th October will stage the Practice session which will be followed by the Qualifying on the 29th and 'D' day which is the Race day on the 30th. I just cant wait to see the Green Signal at the starting Grid. All this excitement will only stick to me watching the race at home as from what i read from a few news articles, Its going to be very costly affair. Hotels are priced at almost INR 30,000 a night which is costlier for a person residing in Chennai, taking into considering the flight tickets to Delhi.. Singapore Grand Prix including the tickets would have cost me much lesser. So i have just scrapped the idea of watching the Grand Prix for this sole reason. And i am not that crazy a fan for Formula 1 as i have already experienced this great sport at the Bahrain Grand Prix in 2004. But for a first timer, I would highly recommend to experience the roar of the Formula 1 engines which is terribly loud.

The Circuit will be 5.14 kms long and the race will be a 60 lap one which the drivers will be covering 308.4 kilometers which will be covered in an approximate time of 90 minutes. The circuit is spread in an area of 875 acres and will have a seating capacity of 150,000 people much more than what Eden Garden (For those people who dont know its the Cricket Stadium in Kolkata) and the Salt Lake Stadium (Once the 2nd biggest football stadium in the world, also in Kolkata) can accommodate.

A Proud moment for all Indians having this motor sports here in India. With the presence of this new sport here in India, there are many things India has to look at considering the worldwide viewer ship of this extreme sport. Its time the world see India as the super power and have all the attention of the world. As per a recent study its not just the Hotel and the Tourism industry which will get a boost but also the Country's profile also gets a lift. In-spite of not getting a direct funding for the Grand Prix from the Govt, the Private players have played a great part in getting things together. Credits should be given to Force India Team Principal and Baron Vijay Mallya who played a great role in getting this sport in the sub continent.

Please look at the link below to have a virtual tour of the circuit which will host the Inaugural Indian Grand Prix