Nope, this is not about the Religion 'HINDU" i am talking about in the title but the News Paper "THE HINDU". I know there wont be anyone here who wouldnt have seen the new "Go ahead of the Times" campaign of the Chennai based newspaper "The Hindu".
It all started with Times of India coming into the Chennai market where the market leader was "The Hindu". People view this battle with so much of Interest as they are considered to be the market Leaders in the Indian context point of view. Like the very famous Blackberry & Apple fight which happened over a couple of years back (Ad link below for reference)
The very moment i saw this Hindu Advertisement it reminded me of the video above. Strange as you call it, TOI did not do it targeting only The Hindu but for some reason the latter took it pretty seriously. I would personally want to read Hindu as against the Entertainment friendly TOI as they hardly have any news in their papers and only Advertisements in their main paper. If you have a close look you would find that atleast 40% of the Newspaper is advertisements, and would you want to spend money for a paper that shows advertisements or read some sensible news? I am sure if a survey is done atleast 70% + people would opt for The Hindu as against the Times of India.
I agree people are moving to TOI loosing their senses to think and wanting to know about what the Entertainment industry is upto and all that, and Hindu would have sensed that they are loosing a lot of people that way and hence the new Ad just to make oneself understand the importance of newspapers. From my small study i did i find that people who have subscribed to the TOI are using it as a secondary newspaper as Hindu remains their primary one. And for a yearly subscription of just below Rs 300 (I guess) people would anyways go for it being a silly amount and that is how they are just a secondary paper. No offence to the TOI fans here but this was just my personal opinion and there is this one right called the "Freedom of Speech" (Refer Jan 27th 1950 Edition of The Hindu :P)
Well to be honest I would opt for the times because i've seen hindu do hasty news and correct themselves too many times for me to wonder if anything in the paper is true.