Saturday, January 28, 2012

Year 2011 - A Tribute

Well this wouldnt be a long post as like my earlier one's but i would call it more of an Ice Breaker as i havent posted anything here for ages. My reasons for not having posted anything here for a while are many but being 'LAZY' tops the list and then the 'NO TIME' reason tops the list.

All in all a great year it was from passing out of B-School and getting into Maersk, the worlds largest Container operating company in the world. Meanwhile that one phase where i was in the Job-Hunting position was quite a pain and i must tell you its one time that you cant do anything freely and have this thing of getting a call any moment (For Interviews). I was left stranded in this city with friends inviting me to join them for trips and i had to reject it all because of my calls for interviews mostly being on weekends.

We lost lots of Talent Personalities in the area of Cinema, Music, Politics and even well known "Terrorists" as well. We saw many CEO's being replaced and it was indeed a great business year for most of the Companies. Indians point of view we witnessed something which was hard to witness with that of the Rupee falling at its all time low at Rs 54 a Dollar.

Securing the Gold Medal in Finance at my B-School was an honor and i was to be honest surprised at getting that medal but i hope this one achievement can take me places in future. There were no International Trips last year and i'd make it up this year for sure.

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